For players in 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and high school, here is a list of gear you will need:
Please note that the club will provide a game uniform/practice jersey for all players, as well as specialty gear for goalies. However, all other gear is the responsibility of the player.
There is a wide range in quality and price for gear. We recommend that you don’t spend a lot for your introductory equipment. A starter set with a good helmet and basic set of pads will serve you well. Ask for a “lacrosse starter set” in local stores and online. A few of the local stores are Lacrossewolf, Dicks Sporting Goods, and Play it Again Sports.
Print the gear checklist for your child to use when getting ready for each practice/game. If your child shows up to a practice or a game without the required equipment, they may need to sit out. Please have your player arrive at the field with sufficient time to get fully dressed and ready to go when practice starts.
As with all boys starter sticks, the mesh will need to be broken in. Most starter sticks come with mesh that stretches when wet. This has a tendency to change the way that the stick throws. Simply changing to a coated mesh helps with pocket consistency in wet weather, providing more reliable ball handling and passing. Coaches can help parents select restringing options for the wet weather play we have in the northwest.